Oct 23 | 10:00-11:00 (CEST):
Green Open Access and FAIR data in relief: challenges and possibilities
Benjamin Derksen, Information Specialist, Royal Danish Library/Copenhagen University Library
Pernille Nailor, Information Specialist, Royal Danish Library/Roskilde University Library
Of the various pillars of Open Science, Open Access has up until now been the most successful. Last year roughly 70% of all scholarly articles across all disciplines were published openly according to the Danish Open Access indicator. This positions Open Access at the forefront of Open Science practices that have seen wide adoption. Green Open Access has been a part of the puzzle and has contributed significantly, but suffers from the extra steps, knowledge, and work required to realize itself. So-called nudging has been crucial to realizing this Open Access path with library workers reaching out to researchers when another document version of an article has the potential to be made available.
This reflective talk will address the similarities and discrepancies between Green Open Access and data publishing/FAIR data with the hope of generating a productive comparison that can help improve the adoption of other Open Science practices.