Oct 27 | 13:00-14:00: DOAJ: What is it – why are we important?
Paula Marjamäki - Managing Editor, DOAJ
In this presentation Paula Marjamäki will answer the questions what is DOAJ, and why is it important to have a Directory of Open Access Journals? Paula Marjamäki will also outline the basic criteria for inclusion and the application process, as well as talk about the work that goes on behinds the scenes of DOAJ.
Paula Marjamäki, based in Southern Finland, is a published researcher and holds a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Exeter, UK. She is a big believer in Open Science, and has been actively involved in science outreach throughout her academic career. She joined the DOAj team in march 2020 as a Database Assistant before moving to editorial duties in August 2020, with a focus on managing applications from Nordic countries.