Oct 25 | 13:00-14:00: Rights Retention Strategy

Per Pippin Aspaas, PhD - Head of library research and publishing support at University Library of UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Per Pippin Aspaas

Niels Cadée, PhD - Senior librarian at University Library of UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Niels Cadée

UiT The Arctic University of Norway (founded 1968) has for many years aimed to be at the national forefront of Open Science. On 1 Jan 2022, UiT became the first university in Norway to implement a Rights Retention Strategy similar to that of Plan S. According to UiT’s policy, all researchers affiliated with UiT shall continuously upload fulltexts of their peer-reviewed articles so that these can be made openly available in the institutional repository, without embargo (aka Green Open Access).

In this presentation, Per Pippin Aspaas and Niels Cadée will discuss the place of Green OA in the wider Open Access landscape and how it relates to Academic Freedom and the democratization of knowledge. They will also briefly explain the workflow from researcher via administration to open archiving of fulltexts in the institutional archive. There will be ample room for questions and comments.

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